Up to $40,000 10-Year NO Interest Loan!

You must be eligible for the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program.

You must be a Canadian homeowner, and your home must be your primary residence.

You have completed a pre-retrofit evaluation of your home dated April 1, 2020, or later.

You have adequate credit history.

How it works...

Pre Evaluation

Schedule a pre-retrofit EnerGuide evaluation with Next Level Consulting.  We evaluate your home to make it more energy-efficient & resistant to climate change. We generously provide retrofit recommendations as only those are eligible for the loan.



Contractor Connection

Review the report’s recommendations & decide which work best for you. NOTE: Report takes up to 14 days.  Visit "CONTRACTOR CONNECTION" for help accessing service providers. Always get multiple quotes. 

You can’t increase the loan amount so plan your work in advance before applying.

Submit Application

Click to Submit Application

You will submit contractor quote(s) that contribute to the loan amount calculations.

To apply you must be eligible for the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program & had a pre-retrofit evaluation more than 30 days ago.

Up to 15% of the approved loan amount can be delivered up front. The balance is delivered once retrofits have been verified via the post-retrofit evaluation.

Complete Retrofits

Start the work, and make sure to keep copies of all your receipts and invoices along the way.  Work must be completed 1-year following the loan approval.

Post Evaluation

Schedule a post retrofit evaluation with Next Level Consulting once the retrofits are complete. We will evaluate the impact of your improvements & provide you updated EnerGuide labels & revised reporting that determines any grant amounts.

Receive Loan

We handle all the required paperwork related to your final evaluation including estimated grant amounts. 

  • The remaining approved loan amount will be deposited into your bank account within 10 days.
Enjoy Affordability

Enjoy benefits of a more efficient & comfortable home contributing less of a carbon footprint.   

You will receive loan repayment info with NO interest over the 10-year period.

Why Choose The Next Level Consulting?

Ontario's ONLY full service consultant

Price Match Gurantee

We will match any competitor pricing while maintaining the same premium level of service.

Maximum Benefits

We generously provide energy upgrade recommendations allowing you to take advantage immediate upgrades or those in the near future.

Extensive Coaching

We consult practical & meaningful approaches to retrofits. We are committed to maximizing the initial financial incentives & more importantly, the perpetual utility savings.

Quick Results

We work diligently to get timely results.

Everyone wins; including the environment!

No Hassle

We handle the ENTIRE process including all paperwork, registrations, and prioritized rebates.

Contractor Discovery

We help you source service provider(s) effeciently by providing a easy mechansim to get multiple proposals for your upgrades.

More proposals ensures you more insight into competitive pricing & maximum value.

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Rebates Processed
$ 0 +
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CO2 Reduction (Tonnes)
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